by Leonard Bernstein, libretto by Richard Wilbur, Stephen Sondheim, John LaTouche, Lillian Hellman, Dorothy Parker, and Leonard Bernstein are presented by arrangement with Boosey & Hawkes, Inc., Sole Agent for Leonard Bernstein Music Publishing Company LLC, publisher and copyright owner.

Starring:  Jeremy Blossey, Halley Gilbert, David Murray, Katy Sumrow, Charles Schneider, and Samantha Dango

Presented by:

State Repertory Opera - Dita Delman, Artistic Director 

Society of Musical Arts Orchestra (SOMA) - Stephen Culbertson, Music Director / Conductor

The Symphonic Choir of Columbia High School - Jamie Bunce, Choral Director  

PLEASE NOTE:  You must create an account before you may purchase tickets.

The easiest way to do this is to click on the login link at the upper right corner of the "Home" page.

Under "New Audience Members", you will see the button "CREATE ACCOUNT".

Just click there and follow instructions.

When you have created your account, then go back to the "Home" page (icon in upper right corner again) and start your ticket purchase. 

Your email address is the login name and you will need to choose a password containing

-- 8 or more characters including capital and lowercase letters

-- at least one number

-- and at least one special character (!, #, $, %, &, *)

This is to protect your personal information.

Columbia High School Families - Your ticket code will be available ONLY through 3 pm FRIDAY, October 27th. 

Reset Your Password

Please enter your email address below. An email will be sent to you with a temporary password. Use this password to log-in to our system. You will then be asked to reset your password to something more memorable for you.